Lembah Ilmu


Muhasabah Diri

Asmaul Husna

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

The Attributes of Allah

The scholars said that it is obligatory upon every mukallaf (baligh,sane and has received the message of Islam) to know thirteen Attributes of Allah. They are: Existence, Oneness, Eternity, Everlastingness, Non-neediness of others, Power, Will, Knowledge, Hearing, Sight, Life, Speech, and Non-resemblance to the creation.

The explanation of these attributes is as follows:

1. Existence: It is obligatory to believe that Allah exists and that there is no doubt in His Existence. He exists without a place. Time does not lapse on Allah.

2. Oneness: Allah is One without any partners. He is One in His Self, His Attributes, and His Actions.

3. Eternity: Allah is Eternal; there is no beginning to His Existence. He has existed since before the creation.

4. Everlastingness: Allah is Everlasting; His existence does not come to an end. He does not perish.

5. Non-neediness of others: Allah does not need any of His creations and they are all in need of Him.

6. Power: Allah has Power over everything.

7. Will: Everything that occurs in this world is by the Will of Allah.

8. Knowledge: Allah knows about all things before they occur. Allah knows what happened, what is currently happening and what is going to happen in the future.

9. Hearing: Allah hears all what is hearable, without an ear or any other organ.

10. Sight: Allah sees all what is seeable, without a pupil or any other organ.

11. Life: Allah is alive without a soul, skin, or heart. His Life is not similar to ours. He is alive and does not die.

12. Speech: Allah's Speech is without a tongue or lip. His Speech is not in a language, Arabic or anything else. His Speech does not resemble the speech of the humans.

13. Non-resemblance to the creations: Allah does not resemble the creations.

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